Do we never learn?

Assalamua'laikum. Hope that everyone is having a great day today. :)

Rules..we hate it, but it is there for a reason. And the society live by it each moment of the day whether they like it or not. I'm sure all of you are wondering....What kind of rule? Human rules.

More sensitive issues are brought to the eye of the community. Most of it shows the shallow mind and how disrespectful some are towards others..whether the living, or the dead. First is when during the death of Sultan Johor. And now history repeats itself with the incident after Arwah Mior Ahmad Fuad Mior Badri death. Alfatihah to both of the deceased. I guess humans just never learns.

The internet has been a luxury for us to say what we want and share our thoughts with the whole world. When I say the whole world, I really mean the whole world. In Malaysia, many cases have been dealt with regarding the freedom of speech issue. We are free to share our thought, but be cautious....Some thought are better to stay in our mind then in the internet web. Each word will never be gone even after we delete it from our site or page.

I just knew about an issue regarding the comment in facebook which lights up the fire in the community. And I'm sad that the person responsible in this is just a kid. And as expected, when the person start cursing, the others who disagree will reply with much more and worst words. We reap what we sow. Deep inside i still wonder what happen to this kid.

His page may be gone, but what he wrote that moment is forever engraved in other peoples blogs and site. Probably saying sorry now is not much of a use anymore when the damage is already been done. As a malay proverb say, terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata badan binasa.

For all muslims out there, we are not the judge of the dead. The only one who can is Allah. No matter what the person did during his lifetime, only Allah know the real self of that person. Rasulullah S.A.W. shows us the perfect example.

Sahl bin Hunaif dan Qees bin Saad melaporkan: Sesungguhnya Nabi SAW dilintasi di hadapannya oleh satu jenazah, lalu baginda berdiri. Diberitakan kepada baginda bahawa ia adalah jenazah seorang Yahudi. Lalu baginda bersabda: “Tidakkah ia satu jiwa?”.
Direkod oleh Bukhari (no: 1250) dan Muslim (no: 961).

The meaning of this Hadith is further explain in the link below.

My brothers and sisters, disliking someone is not a ticket for us to disrespect the deceased or the living. Remember that life is like a pendulum effect. We will get back whatever we did to others if Allah decides. And who are we to test the will of Allah.

Wake up dear Muslims and be united!

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