Lets pray in the name of Brotherhood

Assalamua'laikum and good day

Palestine boy vs tank

Read the news lately? For those who haven't, please do so. Hopefully we can all throw away the feelings of ignorant to the world around us. The first step to make a better world for all is by knowing. As a malay proverb states, "Kalau tak kenal, maka tak cinta."

I'm writing this topic not only because I'm a Muslim, but I think that everyone who has compassion for human lives will feel that if innocent people is dead, and it is not stop, something is certainly wrong in this world

Palestine has been under constant conflict with Israel. Its sad to see that when Palestine was under attack, we cant do much to help. I envy the Palestinian for holding their ground and protecting their own homeland for so long. Under vague reasons, innocent people are killed. When this happen, most of the world keep a blind eye.

Some Jews opposes these attacks and many people demonstrated all over the world. But the question remains the same. When will it all stop?

Lets all pray and help in every way that we can to our brothers and sisters that is now under constant attack.

I think most of us know that a portion of money of some companies and products we use today goes to the Israeli funds. These funds are used for buying artilleries and equipments to attack Palestinian territory.

I found a website that you guys can refer.

1) - Boycott facts
3) - List of company
4) - List of brands

We cant do much. But lets do what we can. I'm not saying we have to stop buying all these products listed. Start with the things we can live without. There are many other brands that we can choose except for these.

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